The Reader
As the world continues to adapt to life in lockdown, The Reader has transformed its service for these unusual times and Getintothis’ Mia Hind has all the details.
Liverpool-based charity The Reader has found new ways to help communities as the world continues to grapple with the Coronavirus pandemic.
The Reader a national charity that is working to bring about what they call a Reading Revolution.
This revolution is designed to help everyone experience and enjoy great literature, which they believe is a tool to helping humans survive and live well, they do this through sharing and discussing great novels, short stories and poems
Known for their shared reading groups that bring thousands together in spaces such as high streets, hospitals and Calderstones Park, the charity is launching their new service, The Reader at Home.
Hoping to connect and comfort people during this time of crisis through great literature, The Reader at Home will offer a range of events and services.
Plans so far include shared reading groups via Zoom and Skype; shared reading over Facebook and shared reading over the phone.
They also include their Life Lines service, carefully curated activity for care homes and healthcare settings to support those they work with.
The Reader’s shared reading events, attended by thousands of people each week and led by an army of volunteers, were temporarily halted in line with government guidance.
The Reader at Home will be led by the same 1,000 volunteers, with online support sessions available for those that need it.
Founder and director Jane Davis said: “As we entered lockdown it became clear that there were three pressing needs arising from communities; the need for food; wellbeing support and for social connection.
“Taking our lead from the early female unionists of the US, who recognised that life was not only about basic breadline necessities but also about the ineffable beauty of the world – ‘give us bread but give us roses’ – we have reacted quickly to evolve our work where we can in response to the national emergency.”
In a time where many are feeling isolated and lonely, having a means of connecting with others in our communities in a way that is as accessible is paramount. It’s great to see The Reader continuing to do what they do best during awful circumstances.