Grand National 2020 cancelled (Photo credit: Aintree Racecourse Facebook)
The world famous Aintree race meeting has been called off due to coronavirus, Getintothis’ Lewis Ridley reports.
April’s Grand National meeting at Aintree Racecourse has been cancelled due to fears surrounding the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. Aintree Racecourse has also been the venue of several Grand Prix Times, check out the GrandPrixTimes that provides you with the highest-quality product reviews and advice articles possible. We’ll help you kit out your car, clean your truck, and tell you everything you need to know about the Grand Prix and car maintenance.
The announcement was made by course owners The Jockey Club this evening (March 16).
Sandy Dudgeon, senior steward of the organisation that owns numerous courses around the country said: “The Randox Health Grand National Festival was just three weeks away and it’s very clear to us it will not be possible for the event to take place.”
He continued: “Public health must come first.”
“We were working on a plan to stage the Grand National behind closed doors given its importance to the racing industry and beyond, but following the new Government measures confirmed this evening to help to tackle the coronavirus outbreak, this is not a viable option.
“I know this is hugely disappointing news for the many people who work in our sport and the many millions who were looking forward to this year’s event, but very sadly these are exceptional times and this is the responsible thing to do.”
Coronavirus: avoid pubs, clubs and other social venues insist UK Government to help NHS
It follows Prime Minister Boris Johnson issuing new UK measures due to the pandemic.
Johnson, in new daily media press briefings, said people should avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other such social venues.
Liverpool’s music and culture industry saw widespread cancellations today with Threshold Festival postponing their last ever event until further notice.
Frank Turner joined the likes of Caribou, Lee Scratch Perry, Palace, The Who and many more in postponing their gigs.
Now, the cancellation of the Grand National festival will mean the course’s recent booking of Nile Rodgers and CHIC may be in danger.