Steve Moore Photo Credit: Peter Blackwood
Horror-synth instrumentalist Steve Moore has shared his latest single; Getintothis’ Matthew Eland investigates.
Steve Moore (one half of Zombi) has just released Nobody Comes, the second single from the soundtrack to upcoming feature film Bliss.
The track is a moody, hallucinogenic beast that builds to a bloody crescendo over the course of its six minutes. The intensity recalls the U.S. and Italian horror movies of the sevenies and eighties, which is appropriate given Moores‘ background and the subject matter of the film.
In Bliss, Dora Madison Burge plays a blocked painter who turns to a mysterious drug for inspiration,
Judging from the trailer, it doesn’t look like this ends well for anyone.
It’s not Moore‘s first sountrack. He’s previously worked on the films The Mind’s Eye and Mayhem, delivering music designed to ‘constrict the listener into a deep sense of aural anxiety‘.
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This, of course, is in addition to his work with Zombi, with whom he’s released five studio albums.
Zombi are named after the Italian title for George A. Romero‘s zombie classic Dawn of the Dead. The music for that film was provided by Goblin, whose torch Moore and Zombi have worked hard to keep lit.
Between them, both acts have soundtracked many a black-candled seance.
Bliss (OMPS) is due out January 17, 2020 on CD/LP/Digital.