Liverpool trio Mamatung are today sharing their new video for their single Border Barrier, Getintothis’ Lewis Ridley has the premiere.
It’s fair to say we’ve waited patiently for this, but finally the debut single from Liverpool soul sisters Mamatung arrived this week.
It was featured in August’s Deep Cuts column, and now Getintothis can share the video to accompany Border Barrier.
Jodie, Becky and Jade have here got the ball rolling on the release of their debut EP.
It will no doubt grow into the sanctifying experience that we have learned to be part of from their live performances.
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“Herein lies the magical journey of our lives,” say Mamatung.
“These are the memoirs of our true selves and all that we share and create together in our purity and authenticity. Enjoy witnessing the divine love of sisterhood in union with the elements.”
You can watch the video to Border Barrier exclusively below.