Jimmy’s Liverpool (Credit: Trustafoxphotography.com)
Chelsea Wolfe releases a new track, XamVolo launches a creative podcast and Parrjazz bring Forq to Phase One, Getintothis’ Lewis Ridley with all this weeks news.
Soon to be opening in Liverpool, music venue Jimmy’s are offering music fans the chance to invest in their company as they seek to grow.
For as little as £25, members of the public can be a part of the venue, which opens at the top of Bold Street next month.
Other investment packages include the opportunity to feature on a wall of fame in the Liverpool venue, as well as free guest list and free Jimmy’s lager.
The venue have this week also added a new gig to their already extensive listings, The Howl and The Hum will play Jimmy’s on Wednesday, November 13.
It’s part of their UK and Europe tour which begins in September in Glasgow, and includes a date at Manchester’s Deaf Institute.
Parrjazz will return in August with a performance from American jazz fusion band from FORQ.
The collective and was co-founded by keyboardist Henry Hey and Snarky Puppy member, bassist Michael League.
Before the gig, FORQ will be chatting to The Farm‘s Keith Mullin at the British Music Experience for a masterclass and in conversation session.

Liverpool soul artist XamVolo has launched a new podcast, The Art of Diffrnce this week.
The artist, who released his debut album earier this year, said that the pod: “will be a weekly solo podcast where I’ll be talking everything ideas, artistry and the creative process as a whole (with the occasional guest every now and then).”
Elsewhere gigs, Cornwall based band Brother and Bones will play Phase One on their UK tour.
Having released their debut album back in 2015, they’ll come to Liverpool on Saturday, October 26.
LIFE Share the new video for their song Hollow Thing ahead of European tour
Our new track this week is the brand new video from Chelsea Wolfe.
It follows the news that the potent gothic rock aritst will release Birth of Violence on the Sargent House label on Friday, September 13.
Wolfe will also head on a US tour follow the album’s release in the winter, which includes this track American Darkness.