The Zanzibar Club, Liverpool
The funeral arrangements of Tony Butler, of the Zanzibar, have been released.
Following the tragic news of the loss of Tony Butler, his family have today announced details for his funeral on Friday September 7.
The funeral will include a drive past the The Zanzibar, Tony’s spiritual home and the place where he gave so many bands so many chances, over so, so many years.
The statement, posted on Facebook read:
Dear friends of Tony Butler
We would like to extend our sincere gratitute to everyone who has sent heartwarming messages at this time of deep sadness and loss.
We have been truly overwhelmed and can’t thank everyone enough for their kindness and love.
Tony’s funeral service will be on Friday 7th September, 10am at Blessed Sacrament Church in Walton Vale.
During his short illness, Tony was not well enough to revisit The Zanzibar. We will drive past the club with him, one last time, after the service.
He would have wanted this. Tony lived for the people and music of Liverpool, the club was his spiritual home.
Tony will be cremated at Anfield Crematorium.
To all the people who helped, supported and loved Tony, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Jane, Millie and Bradley Butler xxx