Eyesore and the Jinx
Getintothis get down and dirty with Eyesore and the Jinx in our latest bout of 13 Questions.
Some bands take a while to find their groove, some are happy to grow up in public and develop as they go. New band Eyesore and the Jinx on the other hand seem determined to burst into the public consciousness like a rockabilly hand grenade.
Debut single Gated Community comes across like a cross between The Fall and cod-English Italian hit single Prisencolinensinainciusol, made famous by QI a few years ago.
Eyesore and the Jinx themselves describe the single as ‘a garage-punk outburst on arbitrary borders in the post-Brexit climate’, and who are we to argue?
The band’s list of influences makes for some pretty impressive reading, citing Gun Club and the Birthday Party as influences. We here at Getintothis headquarters feel this can only be a good thing, the time seems right for some dirty, unhinged rock music. The last few months have been busy ones for them, having played at Sound City and the Smithdown Road Festival, and have further appearances lined up at West Kirby Live and Liverpool Calling.
Getintothis decided to delve a little deeper, in the form of our latest 13 Questions feature. So, what is on Eyesore and the Jinx’s collective mind?
1.Where are you and what are you doing?
‘It’s 11:40 on Saturday morning. I’m currently sat in my third floor flat in the burgeoning district of Toxteth, Liverpool. I’m wearing lightly soiled briefs, designer slippers and a Tina Turner t-shirt. My skin is blotchy and pink from a series of rum and gingers, which I exuberantly consumed last night in celebration of the release of the debut Eyesore track (available on a good streaming platforms). I’m currently concentrating on not vomiting said rum and gingers onto the carpet, as earlier this morning my girlfriend did our weekly big clean.‘
- What is your favourite film?
‘I find it hard to pick to my ‘favourite’ anything really but, I like Vietnam films and I like most of Stanley Kubrick’s stuff so for arguments sake, I’ll say Full Metal Jacket. But if I was to answer this tomorrow it may well be something completely different.‘
- What makes you frustrated?
‘An awful of lot of things really. Probably more than is considered appropriate for any one person. I couldn’t list everything that I do find frustrating but off the top of my head, the following; slow walkers on high streets, my own slow metabolism and the fact that chocolate kills dogs.’

Eyesore and the Jinx
- Recommend one band or album that you think we should check out?
- What’s your first memory?
‘The entirety of my childhood’s a bit of a blur that I’m not entirely convinced actually happened. Not sure whether it’s the first memory I’ve got but I remember Sayer’s selling Power Ranger’s themed dinky cakes and losing my shit over them. Probably goes some way to explaining my childhood obesity.’
- What would be your final meal if you were on deathrow?
‘I would have a starter of roasted, salted cashew nuts. For main I’d have black pudding. Desert would be liquorice flyers. All three of these are considered delicacies in my house.’
- What was the first gig you went to?
‘People are going to assume that my answer to this is a lie. Sadly, they’d be wrong. The first gig I went to was ZZ Top in 2003 at the now defunct Liverpool Summer pops. It took place in a green and yellow circus tent. I went with my dad and enjoyed it so much that I bought a t-shirt which, to this day, I still own.’
Singles Club #176 – Anderson .Paak, Courtney Barnett, Arctic Monkeys and more
- Where did you last go on holiday?
‘I went to Canada about six months ago. A lot like America but, everyone’s far less annoying.’
- Tell us a secret…
‘In July 2009 I appeared on a single episode of Countdown. Obviously I lost but I like to think I went down swinging with an eight letter beast. ‘Jacuzzis’ for anyone wondering.’
- Vinyl, CD, MP3 or Streaming?
‘Although it’s expensive vinyl’s probably the most satisfying format. I think songs and recordings should be tangible rather than just bits of data.’
- What’s your favourite season and why?
‘I can’t abide Autumn/ Winter. I think the people who claim that either of these are their favourite season are perverts and should be on some form of register. There is nothing to be enjoyed about near constant darkness, never-ending drizzle and chilblains. As far as I’m concerned these seasons cannot fuck off far enough. So that leaves us with spring and summer If I’m forced to pick one, I’d probably lean towards spring because I don’t like being too clammy either.’
- Do you have any pre-gig superstitions?
‘Both me and our drummer Eoghan rub Liam’s naked belly in a circular motion, anti-clockwise, three times for good luck.’
- Do you have anything else to declare?
‘This took me far longer than it should have done.’