An artist’s impression of Ten Streets
As the City Council’s Ten Streets project starts to take shape, Getintothis’ Paul Higham has the latest news on Liverpool’s proposed creativity district.
Last week Liverpool City Council took an important next step towards the realisation of its much debated and well-publicised Ten Streets project.
On Friday the city council was asked to endorse the commissioning of a Spatial Regeneration Framework (“SRF”) document. The document will be integral in the shaping of the future development of the Ten Streets area, part of the city’s Atlantic Corridor.
It is envisaged that the SRF document will be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document both assisting in the execution of all future planning applications in the area as well as the execution of the Council’s compulsory purchase orders.
This next stage in the process comes two months after the formal unveiling of the scheme and its public consultation.
At the heart of the scheme to create a new creativity district are its ten big ideas to regenerate 125 acres of former dockland between the northern edge of the city centre and the landmark Tobacco Warehouse at Stanley Dock.
Ten Streets has the potential for up to one million square feet of development, delivering around 2,500 new jobs, and the city is keen to attract creative companies and enterprises to flourish alongside artistic organisations – which will include the UK’s first revolving theatre.
As evidence of the Council’s commitment to the project, they recently approved the allocation of funds from the Regional Growth Fund to invest in the Kazimier’s Invisible Wind Factory.
In addition the council is currently investing £100m in improving the area’s existing road network as well as creating a new cruise terminal and entering into talks to establish new rail connections.
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Joe Anderson, Mayor of Liverpool, said: “The launch of the Ten Streets district was a phenomenal success and has generated a huge amount of interest from the creative sector.
“The vision for the area is the right one and now we need to move to the next stage to start creating the foundations on which to build an exciting new future for this historic part of North Liverpool.
“This is a long term project but the pieces of the jigsaw are starting to fall into place and I’m hugely encouraged by the partners who are working with the council that we can deliver something totally unique in the UK.”
The SRF will be drafted and ready for consultation by summer and completed before the end of 2017. The project will be overseen by a steering group made up of local stakeholders.
The six-week long event will be inviting feedback on the draft masterplan which includes establishing a creativity district in the Ten Streets area of north Liverpool, which could generate up to 2,500 new jobs.
Liverpool City Council’s cabinet have approved the draft Spatial Regeneration Framework (SRF) and the public consultation will launch at 10am, on Tuesday, 10 October at the Titanic Hotel in Stanley Dock, which lies within the city’s World Heritage Site.
Business, residents and members of the public will be invited to give feedback on the document which sets out 10 ideas, five key themes and a set of design and development principles to guide the current and future development of the site over the next 15 – 20 years.
There will also be a series of public roadshow events to be held across the city at Titanic Hotel on Sunday, 15 October from 12pm to 4pm, Fact on Tuesday 24, October from 12pm to 6pm and RIBA, Mann Island on Monday, 6 November from 12pm to 6pm.
The draft Ten Streets SRF will also be available online to view on the Ten Streets website with feedback forms available to collate comments. The deadline for responses will be Tuesday, 21 November.