Pink Milk
Swedish shoegaze catches the ear of Getintothis’ Vicky Pea who introduces Pink Milk.
Starting your recording career of with a cover song is debatable to say the least and quite often goes down like a lead balloon. Unless it’s absolutely brilliant of course, which in the case of Pink Milk’s I Want To Know What Love Is, couldn’t be more true.
After basking in their successful cover the duo have now followed up with a recording of their own making, Detroit.
Heavily influenced by acts such as The Jesus and Mary Chain, Cranes and Cocteau Twins and with an audio aesthetic reminiscent of the kind of cult classics you’d file alongside Twin Peaks and True Romance their gloomy shoegaze sound is largely recorded in a barn on the Swedish island of Gotland, a soundscape that is strikingly obvious during the opening vast and echo-y moments of Detroit.
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The song goes on to progress in the same way your mind would when trying to recall an old hazy memory for the first time in many years, with light a dark collaborating to create patchy dreamlike images.
The still somewhat elusive duo reveal that the song was written to a childhood friend, one that we all probably had in our younger years – “We were kids trying to be cool, smoking candy, blowing fake smoke in the air, dreaming about freedom.”