VEYU have released a demo named Everytime
VEYU tease at future golden returns with a new demo named Everytime, Getintothis’ Peter Guy is left wanting so much more.
Grooves and riffs. That’s pretty much all that matters.
You can add whatever else into the mix but to please this listener, if there’s a healthy dose of both you’ve got us. And VEYU are a band that specialise in grooves and riffs.
It seems a remarkably long time since the Merseyside quintet quite literally sprinted out of the blocks with Running; a guitar-synth groove beautifully trading off with a cobalt steel sheen. It emerged out of nowhere – fully formed, liquid-like and effortless moon-beamed down shimmering like slick chrome.
The following 18 months saw high profile support slots, intermittent UK tour and festival dates and high praise from their peers before culminating in an eponymous debut four-track EP which positively oozed class. The only problem was, the VEYU vessel seemed to stall. Welcome to the music game…
Thankfully, in the intervening months, the band have retreated to the studio, regrouped and been working on new material and sources suggest a return to those early, and excellent, AV shows once aired in the band’s former home at The Fallout Factory.
Getintothis chats to VEYU about art, The Bunnymen and industrial wastelands
The first fruits of these sessions is a reworking Everytime – a track the band have had in their live set for some time – and one Getintothis featured back in March 2014. Still in the demoing stage, it features characteristic VEYU shimmering guitars, heavily echo-laden vocals and a chugging rhythmic stab. Grooves and riffs, then. There’s also the subtle addition of electronic glitches and a warped synthetic howl which shows how much attention to detail has gone into the track even up until this point.
What’s next, is uncertain. But Everytime is a timely reminder of a band who are still deceptively in their infancy and that debut album can’t come soon enough.