Ormskirk up-and-comer Craig Lawlor’s wistful brand of alternative acoustics is something new and truly rousing, Getintothis’ James Zaremba takes in one of the North-West’s finest prospects.
With January’s tail-end seeing the release of his debut single If You Knew on Sound-Hub Records, Ormskirk singer-songwriter Craig Lawlor‘s refreshing cross-genre take on the alt-acoustic sound is a delightfully accomplished one.
That vibrant first effort, which appeared at the tail-end of last month, offers a wistful charm that could be said to have gone somewhat array in the northern acoustic scene, and the infectious melody is one that’s sure to stay with you throughout the day, boasting a chorus of enough openness to allow listeners to project their own experiences upon his naturally relatable lyrics.
Citing Bob Dylan as having an extensive impact on his decision to create a solo career, Lawlor offers effortlessly insightful song-writing often laid warmly on top of an acoustic setting, coupled with an instantly affable vocal – stylistically akin to the likes of By The Sea in its yearning aesthetics.
Lawlor‘s older tracks, found lurking on his Soundcloud account, bring a more folk orientated direction. Recorded on a 4 track recorder the rustic sea-side melodies of songs such as Chase Your Heart typify the stripped down and very personal approach taken by the up and coming singer-songwriter.
Having already made appearances on local and national radio, including a spot on BBC Merseyside‘s Introducing, Craig Lawlor stands favourably to receive critical acclaim for his latest single and future projects remain hotly anticipated.