Liverpool Sound City 2012: White Denim, Cazadores: The Kazimier, The Brink, Liverpool


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Liverpool Sound City welcomes back the technically-immense, and immensely-terrific Texans White Denim – Getintothis’ Thomas Jefferson is one of the lucky ones to cram into a heaving Kazimier.

However tonight has been organised, there has been a serious underestimation of just how many people want to see White Denim.
By the time they take to the stage, the cue runs all the way to Mello Mello, and no one inside The Kazimier is planning to leave.
They are literally white hot from the start. they are so together and seem aware of the hype that surrounds their live status.
It is entirely justified, their opener instantly engaging, and it is clear that they are masters of their craft, which involves a serious amount of noodling.
The Kazimier is bouncing, full to the brim, and reactions ranged from sheer awe, to indulgence and demonically possessed.
It is rare that they break off from their epic and endlessly impressive noodling, but the occasional quieter track allows their Tennessee drawl to come to the fore and shows their more soulful side.
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White Denim live at Liverpool Sound City 2012
White Denim will not be topped, but Cazadores at The Brink is the ideal tonic, an unadulterated cock rock romp, sadly cut short by some technical issues and The Brink’s strict closing policy.
Islands and Heroes are the highlights of a short, but joyous set, and in truth every song is an anthem.
Led by enigmatic former Liverpool resident Mats Devik, they exude stadium pomp rock even in the most unlikely off environments in The Brink and it brings a smile to the face on a second night that has been entirely superb, all within four streets in Liverpool.
Pictures by Conor McDonnell and Marie Hazelwood.


